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01. March 2023. 15:40
Results of the first year of the STC project


  • Its practical operation started in the fall of 2022. In the second semester of its operation, it announced 8 projects in its professional program, and after 3 in the first period, work continues with 5 scholarship students.

  • Two years ago, there were 0 students, currently there are 20+ STC-OAM scholarship holders/colleagues working through STC, a culture of cooperation has developed, and we can provide support in increasingly complex tasks.

  • 4 conference presentations and publications, a TDK special award, an excellent BSc thesis were created thanks to the activities of the STC.



  • Live contact with industry, availability of industrial consultants, real industrial problems,
  • The relevant competence of the UoM is scattered in several places, without the coordination and support of the STC there is no real connection with the steel industry,
  • Lessons learned and the PM framework were transferred to other UoM programs: Enroller scholarship system,
  • As a pioneering pilot project, STC is an independent trial customer of the UoM processes of the model changer, with all its disadvantages, which are also advantages for the Faculty: rapid identification of structural problems and corrective proposals through the SCs' business expertise.


  • STC expert base as a resource,
  • Indirect enrollment of students through the professional work of STC (Erik Borbás from OAM),